Thursday, October 18, 2018


I am now slowly coping up with this. I always make sure to dig more and more informations before creating and posting a new blog. I am really trying my best to see and correct my typographical errors and the grammar of it. But even though I want to make my blog posts longer, more understandable and fully packed with knowledge, I can't. I'm trying. It is hard for me to manage my time. But next time, I will do my best for the betterment of my posts. And I'm also thankful for this, I am learning very much. I am updated.

Deservable Heroes!

It is celebrated yearly. Celebrated al over the world. It is the most important day, teachers day. The noblest profession. Teachers serves as our second parent. They teach us and it's our pleasure. They usually tells about our flaws for we to realize that we should do our best to make it better. We should be thankful for the sacrifices and efforts they always do for us to learn.

Teachers also have their own problems to overcome and dignity to be uphold so we should understand the importance of the teachers in the society. Every student must respect all the teachers. Society should honor them.

Enhance Your Scientific Potential, Help The World In Advancing The Technology!

Science month celebration is being celebrated every September. This boost scientific consciousness among the youth and encourage them to participate actively regarding to this.

It aims to focus on giving importance to electricity and magnetism as part of the phenomenon, which is now the cornerstone of human technological advancements that brought significant changes in the world until today and even upcoming changes in the future. It also assigns to the youth the responsibility of accentuating poteƱtials and activating technological advancements.

A Happy UN Day!

We all know that UN is an organization between countries to promote international cooperation. It is established on December 24, 1945. It replaced the League of Nations following World War II and to prevent another conflict. Most Nations are members of the UN and send diplomats to the headquarters to hold meetings and make decisions about global issues.

United Nations are there to keep world peace. It is there to help countries get along. UN are created to improve living conditions for people all over the world. And of course, United Nations make the world a better place. In short, with the word itself, it keeps us UNITED!
